The Time To Help Is Now

  1. Address the need for a qualifying Service member to receive a home for them and their families.

  2. To establish a long term plan so that the home will be secured for the service members future ie. insurance, maintenance, taxes... done through Compensation and Pension allotments, a payee, or escrow whatever makes the most sense situationally.

  3. Help raise the Service members health and mental well being by streamlining current V.A. benefit access per Service member qualification ie... Healthcare, Mental health, Compensation and Pension, Chapter 31 program, Drug and Alcohol addiction programs...

  4. Ensure access portals to the V.A. are available at home ie...Residence address , phone, internet with computer...

  5. To help cure the tide of veteran suicide in our nation by providing a stable home, access to all the above services, and others not listed.


we are here to help

America must never forget your sacrifices