Dear Veterans

We are here to help

Our mission is to work in conjunction with Veterans of Foreign Wars [V.F.W] and Habitat for Humanity to build a program where we, Vets Way Home raise funding through the V.F.W,and any other solicitations we can secure to build homes for Permanently Disabled Retirement Leave ( PDRL) Service members in order to combat the growing homeless population challenge in our nation. With the funds we raise we will work with Habitat For Humanity to build these homes for a qualifying patriot . These Service connected Disabled Combat Veterans will be provided a home where they can begin to rebuild their lives , their families, and their mental well-being. We will ensure current programs provided by the V.A. such as Mental Health , Physical Health , Compensation and Pension , Chapter 31 program , and Family counseling are available for the Service members and their families. We will also help to ensure the longevity of success in these homes for these patriots, by helping to structure a long term plan for financial stability by setting up either a payee for the service member if they can not handle the stress of ensuring payments, or help to provide a plan for allotments to set aside each month from their Compensation and Pension ( C & P) monetary awards, to handle Taxes, Insurance,and Maintenance for these homes, or an Escrow . The last thing we would want is to set a Patriot up for failure and add to their already fragile state. With the help of the V.F.W., Habitat of Humanity, The V.A., Local , State, and Federal Services we can overcome these challenges together.


we are here to help

America must never forget your sacrifices